The story of Melusine is an intriguing tale. The daughter of the King of Scotland and his fairy wife, she entombed her father in a mountain and in seeking revenge her mother cursed her to transform into a serpent from the waist down every Saturday. The bright white of this Legendary Stone mimics the white dress that Melusine wore when meeting her husband and her inexpressible beauty is mirrored in this gorgeous quartz.
The story of Melusine is an intriguing tale. The daughter of the King of Scotland and his fairy wife, she entombed her father in a mountain and in seeking revenge her mother cursed her to transform into a serpent from the waist down every Saturday. The bright white of this Legendary Stone mimics the white dress that Melusine wore when meeting her husband and her inexpressible beauty is mirrored in this gorgeous quartz.
The Beauty of Marble Limited is proud to bring Legendary Stone exclusively to Scottish homes. As the sole supplier of Legendary Stone in Scotland we have hand selected a range of stone that is truly legendary in colour, design and quality.
The 20 year warranty makes Legendary Stone a perfect choice for your kitchen worktop. The bold colours and designs will create a kitchen worktop as unique as you. Each quartz in the collection carries a name from myth and legends around the world, reflecting the strength, beauty and journey of each individual slab